Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Cruzarse los dedos...

Every night for the last couple of weeks, I've been half-expecting when turning on the news to hear of some catastrophe in the States, another 911 (planes winging it into the Sears Tower, perhaps?), a suicide bomber setting himself off in some ridiculously crowded place, or a New York subway train blown to smithereens, a la Madrid. Here it is, the morning of Election day and nothing like that has happened. (I'll continue though to keep my fingers crossed.) Should we thank Bush for keeping America safe? Personally, the idea of four more years of Bush bushes me. Like most of us up here north of the border, I would prefer Americans Kerry on with Kerry. (Excuse my punning… that's about the only sabotage I'm capable of right now…) Even if the latter sees us as a drug source comparable with Colombia (only vis-a-vis legal drugs). Bush doesn't seem to trust us as much… but look at those he does. (And we don't know half the story with either of those two.) Anyway, lots of reasons to keep fingers crossed...

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