Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Who said you couldn't get rich...

Hey, nice surprise in the mail! I just got a cheque for $225.00 for three upcoming poems in Prairie Fire. And I didn't even know they paid!
(Now maybe I'll break even on postage for this year....)
They're to appear in issue 27:1. That's the Spring issue.


Emily Lloyd said...

Hot damn! Congrats.

Nick said...

Gee, with Canadian Magazines paying so handsomely I should be sending out my poetry to them more often! Congrats, Brian! Well done.

Brian Campbell said...

I got 7 pages of poetry in there, so that's 35 bucks a page. I think, though I can't clearly remember, I got 35 bucks from New Quarterly, too (for one poem), and Grain I'm sure pays about that much too. These are all university-based, gov. grant-supported quarterlies. Prairie Fire is rare in that it is not under university auspices, although it has as solid gov. backing as the rest of them.

One key to this money pot though is to write quiet poems with lots of Canadian place names. (Just kidding, but it seems there's more than an ounce of truth in that jest.)

American reviews appeal to me as more daring, edgy, diverse and -- well, esp. among the top-flight ones -- big league. Much of this may be, though, "farther fields looking greener."

Brian Campbell said...

...and by the way, thanks, you two!