This past weekend was the League of Canadian Poets' AGM in Ottawa. Although I had other commitments and couldn't go, I was nominated in absentia to represent Quebec and Nunavut on the executive, and as there were no other contestants for the job, I imagine I was voted in. I did, by the way, concede interest in taking over, after Carolyn Marie Souaid approached me when she decided to step down... and after she assured me it wouldn't take up too much of my time... just a conference call a month and an entry on Quebec events in the irregular newsletter. Otherwise the slate's open: I could organize a reading for members in Montreal, or whatever. In return, I'll be more plugged in to opportunities the league offers, get to know other writers, etc. Nunavut? Well, there are no members there. Maybe I should get funding to fly up there and find some poets. To read my bemused take on the League, which I wrote last year, see here. Funny, I was speculating there on the possibility of becoming Quebec rep., perhaps, but "not any time soon". Beware of what you speculate, especially in public. (Carolyn did read my blog...)
Funny, just after writing this the postman dropped off a big package from the league. Inside was a binder with headings like League's By Law, How to Organize Your Fundraising Event, Membership Benefits, Council and Committee List (oh! I'm on it, hmm, wonder how that happened?), etc.
Congrats, Brian!
Thanks, Nick. At last, to be a poeticrat.
Hey, that's great! Excellent choice. (nice tying together of the Americas, too) Congratulations! Felicidades! And thanks for introducing us to so many great Canadian and Latin American writers.
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