Sunday, November 30, 2008

New look a-comin'

Did some major blog overhaul this weekend. My literary links list, which has grown quite massive, I've moved to my website's link page -- easier to scroll down and see. That took two or three hours. The reason is that I want to change the look of my blog -- I've just gotten very tired of looking at standard Black Minima. When I tried to customize/update using Blogger's new program, though, even though they assured me my links lists would be preserved, categories were lost or blended together and it was an absolute mess to sort out. So I reverted back to the old design. (I'm glad they gave me the option to do that.) The solution: simplify the links list.

In the next few days, this place will have a new look. When I look at the other standard templates Blogger offers, though, most are quite clunky. None, frankly, is as nifty to my eyes as Black Minima. But Blogger has YouTube videos showing us how we customize blogs to our own specifications.

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