Monday, July 29, 2013

Rhea Tregebov review

My review of Rhea Tregebov's All Souls' is up at The Rover.

A little excerpt-teaser:

All Soul’s Day is a day of prayer to help the dead trapped in purgatory on their journey to heaven. It is celebrated in both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches; the latter observes several All Souls’ Days throughout the year. In some parts, most notably Mexico, it is celebrated as the Day of the Dead.

The title poem in Rhea Tregebov’s newest collection constitutes a thoroughly secular take on the notion. Often when a poet brings together a collection from seemingly disparate elements, a unifying concept comes only after much reflection, and this was likely the process here. “All Souls’ Day” is a poem that succeeds in its limited aims, but it is not by any stretch a major poem. Nevertheless, that doesn’t take away from the power of the concept in giving the collection scope and resonance. However slender the thread, it does serve to string these pearls together; and there are definitely some pearls.

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