Saturday, December 17, 2005

Strand Anthology: Slight Return

Indeed with so few poems per poet and practically no background information, it's hard for any sort of identity to be established such as can happen when you have five, six, seven poems resonating together: the anthology as a whole becomes little more than an omnibus literary magazine. Good for reading on the toilet, as Allen so eloquently pointed out...


Lasagna with wine and belgian chocolate truffles and gazing out at the swirl and drift, as directed by a Canadian weather system. (40 cm so far.) Took some photos earlier today thru my office window: steps and rails swollen with snow, chandelier trees, cars like beached white whales. But will have to learn the simple operation of transferring images from my camera to my computer to share them here immediat...


Amanda Auchter said...

I am so jealous of your snow and chocolates! Thanks for the link, by the way. Avoir un bon noël!

Brian Campbell said...

Merci beaucoup, Amanda. If you visit again, you may see a virtual version of that snow. The chocolates... well, they are inside this writer, expressing themselves through his fingertips...