Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Off to Edmonton!

Edmonton's Xanadu -- otherwise known as the West Edmonton Mall

Tomorrow morning I'll be off to Edmonton for five days to attend the Canadian League of Poets' AGM/Poetry Fest. There I'll be taking part in meetings of the National Council, attending panel discussions (those that interest me most this year are Form Poetry and Technology: Enabling Poetic Collaboration -- these and others are open to the public, by the way), participating in an open mike, attending the Anne Szumigalski lecture (this year it's being given by Mark Abley), a reception/awards dinner, and taking part in the book launch announced below. I'm also looking forward to a pub crawl and dinner, conversation and sharing of poetry with League friends. And of course, I'll be checking out the town, including the Xanadu above. (Actually, following the logic of the poem, this would be the pleasure dome and Edmonton the Xanadu -- but calling it Xanadu seems so much more evocative of its bizarre bazaar Byzantine qualities...)



at Edmonton City Hall

Edmonton, Alberta

Saturday, June 9, 7-9pm

under the auspices of the

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