Monday, July 14, 2008


The only picture I took during League council and member meetings. From left to right, that's the silhouette of Ingel Madrus, Readings & Membership Coordinator, taking minutes; Executive Director Joanna Poblocka; and outgoing President Maurice Mierau standing and speaking. The most significant resolutions related to private fundraising efforts, as well as access copyright issues -- too complicated to get into here. (Or rather, too complicated for my inclination to get into here.) League member National council positions -- all of them voluntary, by the way -- will be increased to 2 to 3 years, in order to ensure continuity and take greater advantage of accumulated experience. That was a resolution put forward by me, as I step down after my two-year stint as Quebec rep, and it passed. (The motion pends final ratification because it's a constitutional measure, but eventually it will be voted into law.) Anyway, that's a nice view of St. John's.

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