Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Exerpted from an email letter of a couple of years ago from Allen :

You and I have been over a lot of territory in the last 15 years about poetry and poems and publishing and the deplorable futility of it all and yet the abiding beauty of the effort and the results the effort yields--even if only for oneself and another person or two.

I would dearly love to "make some collections" out of those (ed.: that is, his) 5000 texts! The single volume is after all another level in that work (which has 7 levels but did I ever show and tell you those 7 levels, of which the 5,000 individual texts are only one level?). But I can't do that by myself, I need input from others, especially literate others like yourself. So there's plenty to talk about and plenty to do and I'm sure if we persist we'll get some good result, each of us and both of us. I respect your writing and always have, you are more than competent, you have the touch of madness necessary! If you think not, then just perform Latin Scholar in The Woods to remind yourself! Gotta go but there'll be more to say.


Yes, must continually remind myself... not just by re-performing the old, but making anew...but it's great to have a collaborator, a respect-worthy supporter, a cheering section of one or two. That's all one really needs...

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